Penzey's Spices w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczonePenzey's Spices



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616, South 72nd Street, 68114, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-397-5760
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Latitude: 41.2551863, Longitude: -96.0243521

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kari Sandman


    The best spice combinations. They have a great variety for low sodium diets. My favorites are Sunny Paris and Arizona Dreaming!

  • en

    Evelyn Fisher


    Love them. A friend introduced me to them. It's a great way to try new spices at an affordable price with their little containers of spices. They always have specials going. Email Club is fantastic.

  • en

    S Reyes


    Can be pricey, but dinner has never been tastier! Great for folks who love to cook and have a passion for rich flavor. Penzey’s cinnamon and double strength vanilla have brought a hole new level to baking.

  • taco rita

    taco rita


    Love this store! They had all the spices I needed. Even ones you naturally don't use on a daily basis! The staff is super nice and the one who helped me with the spices I was looking for was the best. I'd definitely check it out if you need some new fresh spices. Prices were inexpensive as well so check it out!

  • Joy Machado

    Joy Machado


    Penzey's spices is an unique store in Omaha having a wide range of spices from around the world. They had a wide variety of whole and powdered spices available. I really like their garlic powder and their toasted onion powder the best. Unlike super market varieties, theirs do not seem to contain terrible preservatives or high quantity of sodium. It feels natural and probably is as good as it can get. The prices for the spices are really affordable too and all the spices come in a glass bottle/jar which was really impressive. The store is well stocked and the staff was really friendly and knew where everything was placed Also, if it's your first purchase, and you sign up for their email list, they give out a beautiful fridge magnet. I would highly recommend penzey's if you want to shop for spices/herbs without feeling guilty about preservatives or sodium levels. It's worth it

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