Penguin Pub & Eatery w Portland

Stany ZjednoczonePenguin Pub & Eatery



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8117, Southeast 17th Avenue, 97202, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 503-232-4629
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 45.4640294, Longitude: -122.6474459

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jessica Yakey-Fogle


    This was my first time here. The atmosphere was great, fun and cozy. It was karaoke night and there seemed to be a group of regulars and some newbies. We were impressed by the variety and amount of songs available. We arrived around 10pm and there was still seating available in the back, which was awesome. The reason I'm giving 4 stars is that they had a limited menu because it was karaoke night, fried foods only and even that was limited. I don't have any complaints about the French fries we got, they were delicious home-cut fries with garlic and house made ranch. I wasn't upset because there only seemed to be the one woman there working, it seemed a bit understaffed for 10pm on a Friday night with almost two dozen people in there. I just wish there had been a notice about the limited menu, as we were looking for a late dinner and had to relocate after we ate our fries. Maybe I went there on an off night, so I'm planning on going back with hopes of turning it into 5 stars. Absolutely worth a go if you're looking for a fun, warm atmosphere, tasty drinks, and yummy appetizers.

  • en

    Lindsey Ervin


    This place is a staple in the community best tacos and coldest drinks. Can't believe the person that bought this area and building wouldn't want to keep the penguin.

  • en

    James V


    American dive bar. Really nice bartender. Taco Tuesdays.

  • Phillip Mills

    Phillip Mills


    Li'l corner pub. I went there on a Tuesday, and unfortunately all they had to eat were tacos. Fortunately, though, I like tacos. Wasn't able to try the advertised "best Reuben in Portland", so I guess I'll have to come back.

  • FaerieGranma



    Stopped by there after shopping and enjoyed the place very much. Owners were pleasant...fries made the old fashioned way NOT frozen! I also found the first hard cider that I liked! So for the first time I could join a friend with a pint! My only dislike was they cooked the fries in the same oil as the fish...being allergic to seafood meant I could partake in trying them. My friend was enjoying them very much. Plan on going again.

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