Pei Wei w Houston

Stany ZjednoczonePei Wei



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1005, Waugh Drive, 77019, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-353-7366
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.756586, Longitude: -95.397775

komentarze 5

  • en

    Robert Lopez


    In my recent visit to this location the service was very disappointing. Other people at my table received their food and my order wasn't even put in. This location was better with the previous management. Will definitely not be returning to this location.

  • en

    Luke Garbenis


    Food and service is always consistent. The place is probably not spotless but it's as clean as I'd expect from a fast-casual chain like this.

  • Lee Hsia

    Lee Hsia


    Quick and friendly service. The food is always fresh and good, but usually too salty, especially when an entree is served with their fried rice.

  • en

    Veronica Rodriguez


    The food is great except the spring rolls here are not what I expected. Other places the spring rolls have fresh vegetables and not fried. Here they are pretty much like an egg roll but its called a spring roll. Not filling and a bit greasy.

  • Kimberly Bass

    Kimberly Bass


    No forks. Ordered a salad... They piled so much on the plate that any attempt to eat the salad just resulted in a pile lettuce overflowing from the dish...and the salad ingredients weren't cut up fully... very irritating. Also ordered fried rice with steak and shrimp. The steak was burned and the veggies in the fried rice weren't cooked at all. It wasn't crowded during my visit, so I can't think of a good reason for there not being silverware available or for food to be rushed. Just wasn't good or worth the money.

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