Pedro's in New York

Vereinigte StaatenPedro's



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73, Jay Street, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-797-2851
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.702521, Longitude: -73.986471

kommentare 5

  • en

    E Traverso


    The food is delicious. Staff is wonderful, it's a really great low key place to enjoy some tasty Mexican Food.

  • en

    Rea Richardson


    Great food and drinks. Had a great time and the best company. Would definitely go back again

  • Ashram Ramjass

    Ashram Ramjass


    Great place, great food. Only problem is very small and seating is a bit difficult. Also, servers need to be a bit more responsive.

  • Christian Hunsberger

    Christian Hunsberger


    This is the best place in Dumbo to eat and drink. The exterior is one of a kind in an up and coming warehouse app based District, they're holding their own as authentic in their own presentation. Food until 11pm for late nights at work and great margaritas. I love driving by and looking at this place and showing my friends. A definite go to while in the beautiful Down under the Manhattan Bridge overpass area!

  • Titus King

    Titus King


    The food was excellent I ordered the steak fajitas rare , the service was as expected of a busy restaurant. However after paying for my food with my credit card I left my tip and my credit card inside of the leather sleeve and walked out of the establishment , I immediately turned around and re-entered upon realizing this and inquired about my card that I knew was left inside of the credit card sleeve. The gentleman who served me said he had no recollection of any card and proceeded to mockingly look through the other sleeves repeating he had no idea where it is...I persisted that i was 100% sure my credit card was in that sleeve and that I had no intention of leaving without it. After "looking" for it for a few more minutes my card magically appeared on the floor right in front of where he was standing and where my back was briefly facing way. This was a small Mexican possibly Peruvian man of about 5'7 140 lbs with slick black hair. Good food but certainly has some sketchy employees.

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