Pediatric Immediate Care, PLLC w Lindenhurst

Stany ZjednoczonePediatric Immediate Care, PLLC



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150, Sunrise Highway, 11757, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-956-7337
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Latitude: 40.7037763, Longitude: -73.3760389

komentarze 5

  • en

    sundas akram


    I have been taking my 3 year old to this doctor's office for 2 years now and let me put it this way, it has just been getting worse and worse. They don't care about hygiene. A handful of times they gave us a room without cleaning it . 90% of the staff is extremely rude, no smiles, no greetings and they talk to you very rudely. Today I had the final straw with them. I took my autistic daughter in for bloodwork and urine test a week ago. Being autistic she started to cry when the doctor was doing a routine check up on her. The doctor made me feel horrible . She talked to me as if it was my fault my child has autism and called my child's crying, violent behavior! But it doesn't end here, today a week passed and I haven't gotten a call from their office about my child's blood and urine work reports so I called the office and was put on hold by the receptionist saying she would get back to me. Six minutes passed and she picked up the phone to see if I had hung up yet which I hadn't so she immediately slams the phone back on hold hoping I will get tired and hang up which I surely did after an additional 10 minutes of waiting. So now I know that they are very irresponsible as well. Will not be going back here ever again!

  • Alfonso Perez

    Alfonso Perez


    We’ve been bringing our kids here for about 12 years now. First 5 or 6 years were great. 15 to 20 minute wait to see the doctor and felt that they really cares. Opened 365 days a year till 11pm. There was always at least 2 doctors on at all times. The last 5 years they have gotten worse and worse. Minimum of an hour average wait time and when you finally get in a room you wait another 20 minutes. One doctor by him or herself all day long. The doctors are ok for the most part. Nurses are always great. The front desk staff sucks. Not all but most. There’s always new people and they seem miserable all the time. Called today around 11:00am to make an appointment for my daughter who’s been throwing up all night and all morning with a fever. We tell them we’re worried it might be appendicitis and they tell me the earliest they can see her is 7:30pm! So I decided to just walk-in which is allowed here. Guess what I walk into?? An empty waiting room!! Doctor has one patient in a room and so far I’ve been waiting a half hour. You now feel like you’re just a dollar sign to the owner who does nothing when people complain. Currently looking for a new pediatrician.

  • en

    Kimii Mejía


    WORST EXPERIENCE EVER!!!!! since I walked through the door I get a mean look! They just don't care they start talking in their lenguaje and being rude, Everytime I go there's someone complaining AND NOW I know why. I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND THIS PLACE.

  • en

    Paris Burton


    NO STARS! DO NOT GO HERE!! The whole staff is very very rude, there are always new faces and still they are rude. They do not welcome you, they talk to there co workers as if your not standing right in front of them. The talk about other patients right in front of you. I have 3 children and anytime I go just for 1 of my kids im waiting an hour before they even bring us back to see the doctor. They have messed up on so many of my appt for all of my kids. Ive gone there a number of times only to find out they never booked my appt at all. The doctors really dont care about the kids at all, they come in the room and spend about 5 minutes with you if that. They are quick to say this is what the condition is when its not even what is wrong with your child. I will never go back there again. I honestly still cant believe they are still open!!

  • en

    Suh Dude


    You probably spend more hours waiting for a doctor here then you spend in your own home. If you have nothing to do in the summer, come here and make an appointment. I promise you, that you will have an entire day sitting in this office.

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