Peak Vista Community Health Centers - Dental Center at International Circle w Colorado Springs

Stany ZjednoczonePeak Vista Community Health Centers - Dental Center at International Circle



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2828, International Circle, 80910, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 719-475-0783
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8270275, Longitude: -104.7877019

komentarze 5

  • Joseph Tilton

    Joseph Tilton


    I don’t know why anyone would get this just got signed up on Friday they couldn’t make a dental appointment at all. They only make appointment a month out and are full. I have an abscessed tooth and they will not make an appointment to see me. I was told to try back Monday from 7:50am-8:10am is the only way I possibly might get an appointment. I called continuously from 7:50am-8:10am. No one ever picked up, I left multiple voicemails. The voicemail states that they will call you back in 2 days. Is this a joke, I can’t believe any business is run this terribly.

  • Paul Cooke

    Paul Cooke


    I had a tooth pulled that was loose. Dr Hudson and her technician Trae were awesome. It is never easy going to the dentist, but in this case it turned out to be a pleasant experience. Thanks!!

  • Charles Decker

    Charles Decker


    I have been a patient at the Center for several years and have been under the care of Dr. Nikki Aragona for the past two years. In spite of severe covid related staffing shortages and related supply issues, Dr. Aragona has been a pleasure to talk with and has done consistently excellent work in resolving my dental problems. She really takes a genuine interest in my concerns and is very attentive to any pain I may experience during a procedure. Two of the technicians that assist her, Sadie and Victoria, are also great to work with as they do their best to make a difficult procedure go as well as possible. I highly recommend Dr. "A" and her staff as they can be relied upon to provide some of the best dental care in the Colorado Springs area.

  • Ary Alexandria

    Ary Alexandria


    Dr. Matejka has got to be the MOST unprofessional woman I've ever dealt with. Making comments about what someone is experiencing is absolutely NOT okay. She said loudly "what is that?" And caused her patient to feel uncomfortable. How dare you!! You absolutely need to back to school and learn how you talk to someone thats coming to you for HELP! NOT OKAY!! Will not be returning, but I will be sharing this experience!! Unprofessional!!

  • Colleen



    My entire visit today was quite pleasant. I had 18 x-rays taken and the tech (I wish I could remember her name, she so deserves to be known) was friendly, informative, and caring. Afterwards I was seen by Dr. Ivins who was straight forward about my problem and course of action. She even presented a timeline for completion. Everyone was professional with a good bedside manner.

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