Peak Bicycle Pro Shop w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePeak Bicycle Pro Shop



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42-42, 235th Street, 11363, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-225-5119
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7675343, Longitude: -73.74791

komentarze 5

  • en

    David Chou


    Nice shop, with a good balance between "family/casual" and "pro/hot-rod" vibes in its inventory and expertise, but silly that replacing disc brake pads could take a whole week, even if it is peak cycling season! Had to go elsewhere as a result but this is one of my go-to LBSes otherwise.

  • Matt Lavanco

    Matt Lavanco


    Great experience with Peak - knowledgable and honest through the whole process. Highly recommended to all.

  • Rio Pacheco

    Rio Pacheco


    Although it may seem that they know what they're talking about, they miss minor details when relating a bike. I had a complete tune up done recently on a custom built bike; although they were able to fix my flats and front brake, they were unable to realize that the chain tensioner was not properly tightened. As I was about to ride my bike the chain fell off and I had to fix the tensioner myself. For the price I paid I feel like the entire bike should have been looked at, not just the problematic parts.

  • Jonah Kraus

    Jonah Kraus


    Thank you sooo much for getting my bike in shape! I've been riding all my life and I ride hard but I've never had a bicycle that was properly tuned and set up till now. I brought my Banshee Viento in for work on the brakes and to have the Rockshox Reba rebuilt. They sent the shock back to Rockshox to be rebuilt and everything was fixed and ready to go in about 8 days. They also tightened my rear hub. My bike was so stable when I got it back, it felt like a different bike. My brakes and shock worked better than ever (previous mechanic installed brake pads wrong and messed up the shock seals). I actually had to get used to the way my bike felt because it felt like a new bike! I won't go to any random shops in NYC ever again. Peak is sooo worth the trip!

  • en

    Robnyc 718


    Honest honest honest. You will not come across a more honest and professional shop ! There passion and knowledge is like no other. What a gem to have here in nyc. Great mountain bike selection. They rent as well. All around a great shop for whatever type of cycling you enjoy ! Thank you guys. Kenny rocks !

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