Paul's Marble Depot LLC en Stamford

Estados UnidosPaul's Marble Depot LLC



🕗 horarios

40, Warshaw Place, 06902, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 203-978-0669
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0429201, Longitude: -73.5605692

comentarios 2

  • Gran Trade Inc.

    Gran Trade Inc.


  • en

    Yun Zhou


    This is the worst nightmare during my renovation. I went to Daltile to look for ideas and i saw the marble depot was next to that daltile store. So i went in and had a chat with the owner, who seems very nice. He offered the lowest price among all quotes. I decided to go with him. They didn't show up to install as they said , then i made so many phone calls. Finally, they said they couldn't make it and had to reschedule. On the following day, they came two hours later than the appointment with two broken pieces. They told me it was an accident. So i asked them to install the good pieces. I was waiting inside and found they never came into the house. then i went to see them finding that they were trying the fix and glue the broken pieces. After being caught by me and my contractor, the guy said why not you paid less with the broken pieces. I said it's no way i could do that. They went back and promised to deliver new pieces in five days. They came to my place on the following thursday. When they installed the pieces, they made scratches on my cabinet when they force one piece to drop into between cabinet. the guy said it's normal to have scratches and I was totally shocked. they only spent like 30 mins. After they left, on the following day, my contractor found all problems: sinks are not sealed well. the long marble piece was not systemic. One end is wider than the other end, which made a big gap on one end since they didn't do templates!!! One piece is not sanded well with all marks showing. all edge corners are not matching. Some are sharp, some are round. The worst part is the crew moved my plumbing when they put sink on without telling me. They forgot to put back. When i used my dishwasher and my floor got flooded. When i called the owner, he refused to admit saying his crew is professional and doesn't touch plumbing stuff. My floor is totally cracked with water damage. what kind of professional will make scratches and not do templates before installation? When i called him about all problems i mentioned above, what he said is it's normal to have problems. I called ten times to ask them come over , but they never be on time. I am still waiting for the owner to repair the uneven end issues. never recommend this store to any one.

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