Paula's Salon i Euless

Forenede StaterPaula's Salon



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3001, North Main Street, 76039, Euless, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 682-970-2991
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Latitude: 32.8798538, Longitude: -97.0829548

kommentar 5

  • Mike Robb

    Mike Robb


    Best haircut ever! Professional! Clean! Fast! Personal! Paula provides the best haircut you can get. I highly recommend her. She is very talented with a depth of experience on all types of haircuts. If you can think of a style you want, she can do it. She takes the time needed to do the job right. She cares and it shows.

  • Natasha Santamaria

    Natasha Santamaria


    Paula did a superb job. Super kind and great at what she does. Definitely would recommended 10/10. Extremely happy with the haircut😍

  • Amy Hartsock

    Amy Hartsock


    Paula is AWESOME! I moved to DFW almost two years ago and I haven't found a stylist I trust. I'm so glad I found Paula. The experience was great - everything from the shampoo to the cut and style. She knows how to layer hair beautifully and she still kept the length long as I had requested. Couldn't be happier! And she didn't charge me an arm and leg like other salons. I definitely recommend Paula!

  • en

    Joyce Powell


    Paula is the best hair stylist I've ever had! She knows how to cut, color & style to make you look & feel the best!

  • en

    Jo Coats


    I go twice a week and my daughter and her twin daughters go there, too. We all think Paula provides quality service at reasonable prices. Love her and her work!9

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