Patty's Beauty Salon i Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPatty's Beauty Salon



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36, South Stapley Drive, 85204, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-835-7999
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.4141675, Longitude: -111.8056124

kommentar 5

  • Iliana Mendivil

    Iliana Mendivil


    Clean, and helpful staff

  • Jose



    Great place to get your hair cut! The worker's there are really nice and sweet, I highly recommend people to get there haircuts here

  • Cladeth Nieto

    Cladeth Nieto


    They were incredible and didn't charge out the ass when it came to just clipping off dead ends. The lady who attended me was very helpful and referred certain items that could help my hair. In the end my hair is bouncy and back to life. I also said I'd like to keep it long and she did just that while still achieving on cutting all the dead split ends.

  • Julie Cossman

    Julie Cossman


    Tried to call and make appointment was referred by a friend because low prices n was told "sorry no speak english..bye" and hung up on me. RUDE!!!!!

  • en

    Juan Serrano


    It's a great beauty salon I recommend it...patty is so nice and all the staff is very friendly!!👍

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