Patriot Supply Inc w Plainview

Stany ZjednoczonePatriot Supply Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

22, West Mall, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-249-3100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7851583, Longitude: -73.4530797

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gmans Ideas


    Received the wrong part two times and tried to talk on the phone about how to get the problem solved and got nothing but rudeness, disrespect being yelled at and talked over... told I was not telling the truth and he would not help me anymore and then hung up the phone even though I tried to calm him down. These people are ridiculous take your money and your time elsewhere.

  • Jim Stern

    Jim Stern


    They hope the parts they sell fail and refuse to honor the warranty on a part less than 45 days old. Thank goodness I didn't leave negative feedback because here is their response to neutral feedback on Ebay: New message from: patriot-supply I hope it fails on you. You are ridiculous and I have blocked you from future purchases. Warranty is VOID Be very leery of these scammers

  • en

    Ankit j


    These guys have helped me out more than a dozen times. The staff is always helpful, and the manager always goes above and beyond. Their selection is good and the ability to check stock (even after hours) is great, when planning the day out. The way they operate business is a little different. The reviews stating antiquated return policy maybe ignoring their focus on ecommerce. I’ve never needed to return anything, but I can’t imagine them refusing to give full in store credit for a damaged unit or a refund for an unopened item. My most memorable purchases have been aftermarket parts that have been going strong for a couple years at great retail prices. So you guys later.

  • Rick Rolston

    Rick Rolston


    The Best HVAC supply house in Nassau/Suffolk Don't listen to the bad reviews., They are probably homeowners that have no idea what they are doing. If they are nice enough to sell to homeowners (not tradesmen) they should understand that they are busy dealing with professionals that have time constraints.

  • en

    Jessica Joule


    If I could rate this as a zero I would. The workers there are very unprofessional and very nasty! I had bought a part for my heat at home and it was never used and they would not let me return it and said it had scratches on it and was used and it was not. No where on the receipt shows return policy. I asked to speak to a manager or corporate and I was told he was the owner and he called me a liar and hung up on me. I then called again and spoke to someone name Joe and he was very nasty as well and started talking over me and would not let me speak. He made a rude statement saying if someone returned a used pair of underwear would I want to buy it. He also hung up on me. I would not recommend this company to anyone! they will not refund you a cent! Very nasty and VERY UNPROFESSIONAL!!!!

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