Patriot Electric & Generator Service w Monroe

Stany ZjednoczonePatriot Electric & Generator Service



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400, New York 17M, 10950, Monroe, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-576-6700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.317095, Longitude: -74.169336

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bruce Ruthven


    Patriot Electric is one of the most professional and quality contractors I have ever had work at my home. Their work is superb and beyond question they leave your house as clean as it was before they did the work. If you have electrical work that needs to be done, call Patriot Electric; you won't be sorry.

  • en

    Betty lemorrocco


    Quality and professional job. Ray and Johnny did an awesome job. They answered questions, were professional and when they left no one would have known we had work done. Very happy with the process and would recommend Patriot Electric to anyone needing work done!

  • en

    Dale Hein


    Patriot was very dependable and got the job done as promised. They are very good about confirming appointments and showing up when they say. Rare nowadays. I had questions after the job and Joseph went the extra mile answering all my questions. I am confident they did a good job, but, of course, I can't see it -- it's in the walls. :) It's not like getting new flooring. But everything works and they cleaned up after themselves very well and no collateral damage -- all of which are very important to me. Thank you!!!

  • en

    Christine Ricketts


    Really awesome experience. Would highly recommend to anyone needing electrical work done in their home. The entire crew was fantastic, from the initial quote for the work to the actual installation. We're really pleased with how the new fixtures look and feel safe with the work done behind the walls as well. Could not say enough good things about this company!

  • Jason Hoffman

    Jason Hoffman


    We've had the pleasure of working with Patriot on two electrical projects in the past couple of months -- both inside and outside of our home. The team at Patriot is thorough, knowledgeable, considerate, consultative and treats you as a respected and valued client as well as a friend. They listened to our needs, discussed ways to address them, did a flawless job each time and then gave us final walk-throughs of everything to ensure that we were happy with and aware of everything that had been done. I can't say enough good things about Patriot and the wonderful individuals who own and work for the company.

najbliższy Elektryk

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