Patricia's Brazilian Waxing i Mineola

Forenede StaterPatricia's Brazilian Waxing



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462, Jericho Turnpike, 11501, Mineola, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 347-608-4437
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Latitude: 40.7451529, Longitude: -73.6538739

kommentar 5

  • Jassimran/ Sahiba Singh

    Jassimran/ Sahiba Singh


    Great place for waxing. Only place where getting Brazilian doesn’t hurt

  • Randi Kempton

    Randi Kempton


    Patricia is the BEST! I've been coming for a little over 2 years now, and there's no way I could go anywhere else. I have to commute over an hour to get to her now, but it is well worth the trip. Super clean facility and a comfortable atmosphere.

  • Nisa Belle

    Nisa Belle


    Always 100%. Been going here for a while now and its still the perfect place !

  • en



    This place is so amazing!!! Nice and clean, comfortable atmosphere and the staff is so nice !! Patricia is AMAZING!!!! She makes u feel so comfortable! The waxing usnt even that bad at all!! I love my wax! Thank you so much patricia your amazing!!!!! Everybody needs to go here and use patricia!❤️

  • Annie Garabedian

    Annie Garabedian


    I have been getting waxed for many years. Patricia is by far the BEST waxer I have gone to. Her place is super clean. She is very nice and makes you feel very comfortable. As long as she is in business I will be going to her.

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