Patricia & Paul Artisans of Fine Oils and Balsamics w Westfield

Stany ZjednoczonePatricia & Paul Artisans of Fine Oils and Balsamics



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20, Elm Street, 07090, Westfield, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 908-232-3866
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6506599, Longitude: -74.3476709

komentarze 5

  • Whats Michael Travels

    Whats Michael Travels


    For salads and dipping there is no reason to use any less than top quality oils and vinegars. Luckily we have Patricia and Paul’s in nearby Westfield. Just down the street from the train station in the center of town, the store is a delight for browsing and tasting. I happened in on a Wednesday and was told that it was senior day.... buy three bottles and a forth was free. The staff is knowledgeable and helpful but leave you to make your choices. With quality products the smells and tastes help sell the product. There is also a store in Summit if that is more convenient.

  • Kevin Williams

    Kevin Williams


    Best Olive Oil choices around...

  • Jessica Nicolosi

    Jessica Nicolosi


    Awesome concept with incredibly helpful staff. If you need gifts for people that are hard to shop for, this is your place. It’s a foodie’s Heaven and you could spend so much time checking out all the different options for oil and balsamic. A fun place to take visitors, too.

  • en

    Thomas Lahey


    Helpful staff. Vast selection. They wrap up your purchase nicely. Kids did not want to leave their play kitchen area.

  • Jennifer Mazur

    Jennifer Mazur


    Very friendly staff and great product selection. I appreciated that the staff made themselves known, but weren't overly present and just let me browse until I asked them a question.

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