Patria Coffee Roasters w Compton

Stany ZjednoczonePatria Coffee Roasters



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108, North Alameda Street, 90221, Compton, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 310-933-8773
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Latitude: 33.8963927, Longitude: -118.219638

komentarze 5

  • Melissa



    Affordable quality coffee roasted in house with house-made syrups. They offer vegan-friendly drinks and have multiple nondairy milks. This is a coffee shop for the community and it really delivers on that mission.

  • Tiana



    I went to Patria’s a while back on a Wednesday around 11:00 so my memory might be a lil spotty, but I think I will recall a lot of accurate things in this review. It was my 1st and last time here, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t go here again. I most absolutely would go here again! It was a great experience, but it was more so that the place is far from me and I would go again if I met up with friends there. It was a warm day and was a lil warm inside, but there was seating to be found so all was well.. My assessment of my visit will go over 4 things which are cleanliness, aesthetic, employee engagement and food with an overall thought regarding if I would return to this place: Aesthetic: I love the intermingling of coffee and chicanx/latinx here! Super cute with plant mom vibes, very much my vibe lol there is a good amount of seating, but if you got there when it was busy, you might not make it to a table. Of course, the music was great! Good volume for talking with others. Outlets were placed in good places and there were enough throughout the place. This place is a vibe and I like it a lot! Cleanliness: Patria is very clean and it was a great place to do work and not feel cluttered. No trash on the tables or the floors. Restrooms are clean too. Employee Engagement: I was served by a wonderfully nice lady and another employee. They were super engaging and polite, helpful and kind. I asked them questions about their plants for sale and they had all the information at their fingertips. Wonderful! Food: I just got the Mexican Mocha and it was so good!! Probably the best one that I’ve had from a coffee shop! You can tell that they actually use Ibarra and that makes a huuuuuge difference. Overall Thoughts: I looooooove this place! I’m just sad that I live so far from it! It is so good and the atmosphere fits my work study style so well! I can’t go consistently, but I suggest that ya’ll go to Patria and grab yourself something.

  • Nancy Portillo

    Nancy Portillo


    Love this place. Customer service is always great! Guests are always friendly. It’s a great atmosphere to work or to have a chat with a friend. The restroom always clean and outside too.

  • Lety C7R

    Lety C7R


    This shop holds a special place because I grew up here as a teen and coming back to Compton as an adult is nostalgic and bittersweet in some ways. The coffee here is always spot on and it's the perfect place to read, catch up with friends or simply to people watch.

  • Happy J

    Happy J


    Compton coming up! With Komiko and moms burgers Compton boasts in the culinary world of LA and now can say it has an essential coffee shop with Patria coffee. Rustic decor and a good election of drinks. Parking is easy and has a nice outdoor grassy area.

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