Pashapour Oral + Facial Surgery w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczonePashapour Oral + Facial Surgery



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1016, North Highland Street, 22201, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-721-4915
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Latitude: 38.8849782, Longitude: -77.0948116

komentarze 5

  • Cora L

    Cora L


    Dr. Pashapour and his team were friendly and professional. They answered my questions about insurance and helped me work around my schedule for appointments. I had previously did a consultation for extracting my impacted wisdom teeth with another oral surgeon who said I needed bone grafting, but Dr. Pashapour told me that that was unnecessary and the bone would grow back on its own. He was very methodical and walked me through other things to note through the procedure, which made me relieved I chose to do my surgery with him! They have very specialized equipment and I felt very reassured at how they planned my surgery. I was worried by all my friends’ horror stories of when they got their wisdom teeth removed, but my surgery was painless, and I am having a very pleasant recovery!

  • Humaira Manzoor

    Humaira Manzoor


    Wonderful experience with Dr. Pashapour. I had a complicated wisdom tooth which could damage my facial nerve if not extracted properly. I am glad Dr. Pashapour did it for me because not only has my tooth been extracted perfectly but there are no post surgery complications. The staff is also warm and helpful and they will ensure that you are treated well while at the clinic. Overall an amazing experience and definitely recommend Dr. Pashapour if you have oral complications.

  • Sarena Young

    Sarena Young


    Had a great experience getting all 4 wisdom teeth extracted with Dr Pashapour’s office, as someone who is very nervous with the dentist. He’s very friendly and I had an easy experience with no complications. Highly recommend!

  • Ana Canales

    Ana Canales


    By far one of the best experiences at a specialty office. The front desk communicated everything very well and efficiently. The office manager answered all my financial questions and gave me a great discount. The dental assistants were nice and professional, they answered all my pre and post op questions. Dr. Pashapour has been one of the best surgeons I’ve seen, he was my third opinion and I decided to go with his office because he explained everything step by step and made me feel understood. I will refer all my family and friends here.

  • Henry Wang

    Henry Wang


    Dr. Pashapour did an amazing job with my wisdom teeth removal surgery. I had all 4 teeth removed with my bottom ones being impacted and my recovery went better than expected. I didn’t have any complications other than some pain for a few days which is expected. I also did the same-day consultation and surgery which was very convenient for my schedule. The front-desk and assistants are very helpful as well. I would recommend to anyone!

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