Party City en New Rochelle

Estados UnidosParty City



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80, Nardozzi Place, 10805, New Rochelle, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-654-4935
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8972506, Longitude: -73.7960836

comentarios 5

  • en

    M. Peterson


    I have to say I have been to many party city. But the part city at 80 nardozzi place was one of the worst experience I have ever been through. I ask the manager for help and at first she was willing to help me but then when I changed my mind about a item she got upset and walked away only to say to her other manager " this is why I hate black people " .I will never in this life time return to any party city location be that they are racist. . Manager name is Andrea With that being said if you are Africa American then this location is not a color friendly environment.

  • Lis Amaranta Chavez Peña

    Lis Amaranta Chavez Peña


    Excellent place if you want yo decorate your party

  • en

    Anon Myst


    Very under-staffed! 15 people on line with only one employee at the registers. Only one other person was working, but they were focused soley on the balloon area. No apology for the ridiculously long wait

  • Kathryn Martell

    Kathryn Martell


    Got a great big shimmering shamrock for my front door for St. Patrick's Day!

  • en

    Joanna Rivera


    Great place to get almost everything you need for the party and many other celebrations. Customer service could be better - cashiers nicer.

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