Parsons Auto Care in New York

Vereinigte StaatenParsons Auto Care



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2002, Parsons Boulevard, 11357, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-961-8211
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.7813736, Longitude: -73.8228465

kommentare 4

  • en

    Lindalee Lockman


  • en

    صلاح الوجيه


    layers and bad service

  • Bavan Jhajj

    Bavan Jhajj


  • boom seen

    boom seen


    STAY.....AWAY.....FROM....THIS.....PLACE....PERIOD.... Ok....So my car broke down at the airport and I call my insurance company for road side assistance and they send these fools. The tow truck guy says no need to go to other mechanics because we do repairs...I was an idiot to fall for it. They take my car in and this obnoxious prick name Carlos the head mechanic starts work on my car. He called me asking that it will be $60 to buy belt and $60 for pulley which both cost less than $20 each (200% markup). He said it will be $300 to put in new pulley bracket which is only available from dealer. So I go find him a used bracket from the junk yard and he deliberately miss leads the guy at the junk yard to pull the wrong part and than when I sheep it to him he says "Oh..Guy..this wrong hav one opton buy my pully barket I charge only $300" or you get your car towed and I charge $20 for each day you were parked here. So I end up paying over $450 after 15 phone calls...several calls to junkyard people (which was of no use) and dealing with one obnoxious SOB. STAY.....AWAY.....FROM....THIS.....PLACE....PERIOD....

nächste Autoreparatur

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