Parsonage Cottage in Greenwich

Vereinigte StaatenParsonage Cottage


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88, Parsonage Road, 06830, Greenwich, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 203-869-6226
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Latitude: 41.0608641, Longitude: -73.6266621

kommentare 2

  • en

    Rose Music


    Parsonage Cottage is a wonderful place for your loved one to live happily in a great setting. My father, Vincent Meli was a resident here. He enjoyed all of the amenities as well as the staff who treated him like a family member. I never worried about his safety or wellness while he lived here. The facility is kept immaculately clean. The dining room is set like a quaint eatery where tasty meals of large portions are served restaurant style. The staff bend over backwards to please everyone and see to their individual needs. There are outside dining options and frequent summer barbecues during warm weather. My father especially enjoyed the special annual events like the lobster bake and holiday parties. The grounds are spectacular. Residents can enjoy leisurely walks, sit outside on the homelike porch, or even play golf on the fabulously manicured putting green. The recreation room houses a baby grand piano. Entertainment is brought in and residents can also go to off campus trips, including cookouts at the local beaches in the summer. My father made many friends here and considered the staff to be like family. Your loved one will live in a beautiful environment among a wonderful group of people who really care.

  • en

    joan klein


    From outside, it looks nice. Windows are missing covers and grounds are not taken care of, the back is just a mess with old grills and flipped over tables. On the inside the floors are very scratched and smells very unpleasant. The front desk is very unappealing with its "wood" peeling off and the fish tank. The fish tank appears to never be cleaned.The dining room is very clean but the wall paper is peeling and the ice machine does not work. Took a tour of the place about 2 weeks ago , and absolutely disgusting. Even a lamp in the back of the dining room is broken and was just glued together, i was in such disbelief, it also lacks light. its very dark and not enough space.Now to the staff, The aides are WONDERFUL, they greet you very nicely and they seem to always be busy. this is quickly ruined by rude administration. Penny the director was screaming at her assistant and a obnoxiously rude Tammi. Both tammi and Penny are the most unfit people to put your loved ones care in. No sense of leadership or compassion for the job. seem to care more about themselves than the residents or place itself. Brochure claims they have a gym and computer center for resident but it looks like its used all for storage. DO NOT BOTHER LOOKING AT THIS PLACE.

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