Parkside Creamery w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneParkside Creamery



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676, Flatbush Avenue, 11225, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6568648, Longitude: -73.9603911

komentarze 5

  • Chips R

    Chips R


    Visited a few times and have had a mediocre experience each time at best. They specialize in coffee and homemade ice cream. The coffee, hot or iced, was not great. Really, it was pretty acidic/sour/bitter tasting all at the same time. Not sure what's up with that but maybe just need a slower pour? Overall, I'll return because the place itself is a great addition to the neighborhood and brings with it a great atmosphere.

  • Stéphanie Thomson

    Stéphanie Thomson


    Perfect coffee shop for doing a little reading or work – big enough that you don’t feel like you’re being rushed out to make way for more people but small enough that it still has a nice vibe to it. Great addition to the neighborhood.

  • Alex Kudryavtsev

    Alex Kudryavtsev


    GREAT ice cream!! Coffee is really good as well. Will be back to try to try their line of teas. Interior is nicely lit, open floor plan. Many tables and cascading multilevel benches that are full of charger ports and a flexible space to accommodate groups of different size. I can definitely see myself worki g on a laptop here or coming with a date before or after a walk in the park. Friendly staff is always nice to see. I will be back in a month to check up on whether they worked out a couple of inconvinient details, then update this review. For an example, there is nowhere to put the trash near coffee station. Awesome place. Will be back when I am in the neighborhood.

  • MadMama NYC

    MadMama NYC


    The staff is AMAZING! The space is quite large and they don’t mind kids playing. They have delicious homemade ice cream. My favorite is Vegan chocolate. There’s also vegan coconut and mango. Pastries are always fresh. Coffe - very good. They have oat milk option too. But staff is the best thing about the place! They are truly great! Highly recommend! Especially if you have kids)

  • Karen Ng

    Karen Ng


    Great espresso coffee, have stopped in to try their Flat White ($3.50), Latte($4) and Carrot Cake ($4.50) and was very satisfied. Carrot Cake was a great consistency, not too heavy. Definitely lighter but still moist. There's about 5 two-seater tables, stadium seats, and window bay areas to sit on. They have set up lots of power plugs (thank you my phone is always dying) and free wifi so people can really camp out here to do work. If you like peace and quiet best to avoid after-school time, cos people bring their kids here for ice cream, and the kids love to stomp around! Otherwise a nice addition for quality coffee.

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