Парк штата Рокленд Лейк w Valley Cottage

Stany ZjednoczoneПарк штата Рокленд Лейк


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

299, Rockland Lake Road, 10989, Valley Cottage, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-268-3020
strona internetowej: nysparks.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1465522, Longitude: -73.9183957

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michael Trachtenberg


    This is a welcome way station for a bicyclist and a worthwhile destination in its own right. It is pretty and well-maintained and there is a road around the lake. A round trip from the GWB is near 50 miles.

  • en

    Edward Morales


    Great place to walk breath the fresh air. Sit on a bench and enjoy the view. Great pool with a nice water slide. Picnic benches and places to BBQ.

  • en

    Vivian C


    Very upset about their vehicle fee policies. It should clearly say no refunds somewhere on the sign or have the employees say it before purchase. We paid but didn't stay for more than 2 seconds because our friend messaged saying he arrived earlier than expected and was at the restaurant at the time we entered the park. The employees and manager refused to give us a refund due to policy. It's unfair since we couldn't physically come back anytime after lunch. We had to leave for Boston. I'm sorry but it was 2 seconds... You couldn't cut us a break? Wish there were more kind hearted people in the world.

  • Seacrest Racer

    Seacrest Racer


    The spark is spectacular and by far my favorite Park in the entire state! I love coming up here. I'm from the city it's any life gets too much for me so I'll pay is really relaxing peaceful and quiet. I love how I night time I could actually see the stars. This really takes you out of a New York City moment! I love walking around the lake at takes me about an hour to walk around the lake but sometimes longer if intake pictures. The lake is truly one-of-a-kind!

  • Dilnoza Lyuftilaeva

    Dilnoza Lyuftilaeva


    Отличный парк, шикарной детской площадкой.

najbliższy Park

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