Парк Плейс Педиатрик Дентистри w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneПарк Плейс Педиатрик Дентистри



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3602, Matlock Road, 76015, Arlington, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-465-1888
strona internetowej: www.parkplacekids.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.687376, Longitude: -97.115517

komentarze 3

  • en

    KieLauna McCollough


    I absolutely love Dr. Ferguson & her staff!!! They are all so wonderful & highly personal. She remembers all my kids. The way she distracts the kids as she puts the shots in their mouth is so perfect, they don't even realize they are getting shots. My roommate's kids also go to this dentist & her son has always had a phobia of dentists. He isn't afraid of Dr.Ferguson, which to me speaks volumes. She allows parents back with the kids when they are younger. And as the kids & parents begin to trust the dentist she encourages parents to wait out in the waiting room so the kids learn how to be comfortable on their own. Dr.Ferguson has the ability to sedate, but hasn't needed to on any of my kids or roommate's kids yet. She will refer kids out to an oral surgery place if there is a medical reason or there is so much work needed to be done that she feels it will be less traumatic if the child is asleep to knock out all the work in one visit. My youngest daughter & my roommate's daughter were both referred out & it turned out wonderful for both girls. We have been back to Dr. Ferguson for regular cleanings & check ups 2x since & all the work done has stayed magnificent. To sum it all up....We Love This Dentist!!! (All 10 Kids included in that statement, along with the adults). My oldest son asked just last week when we get to go back. How awesome?!?! Seriously you want to bring your kids here...you won't regret it!!!

  • en

    Whitney Earls


    Dr Stephanie Ferguson was amazing with my child. She explained everything in a sense that my child understood and we left with no questions about anything. The staff was amazing, they were funny and they were so nice to both me and my child. I defiantly found our forever home for pediatric dentistry for the kids. I will be telling all of my friends, family members and co-workers, in hopes that they will also go visit Dr Ferguson and her staff and Park Place Pediatric Dentistry in Arlington Texas. - Nicholle & Avril Hudson

  • en

    Steele Fisher


    What a wonderful experience! My four boys hate going to the dentist, however, after going to Park Place Dentistry they actually liked it. Dr. Ferguson and her whole staff were exceptional! My sons received great care and awesome customer service! No longer do they dread going to the dentist and neither do I!

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