Park Plaza i New York

Forenede StaterPark Plaza



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Lørdagåben 24 timer
220, Cadman Plaza West, 11201, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-596-5900
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6980478, Longitude: -73.9916475

kommentar 5

  • Stephanie Brizard

    Stephanie Brizard


    Came here after having dinner down the block with friends for coffee and dessert. Place very spacious, staff friendly, and prices great. Some actually got real food since the portions at the previous location were small; we definitely left satiated and happy. Definitely recommend and would go again - they even have a party room!

  • Monica G Sylvester

    Monica G Sylvester


    I always have a good experience at Park Plaza. My music organization has regular dinner meetings there. The food and service are very good. The menu has a broad variety of foods all day/night long. The only challenge is parking before 7 PM.

  • Lauren Prescott

    Lauren Prescott


    The food is really good I recommend the salads the burgers are also giant and the deluxe come with lots of crispy fries and onion rings. If you want a great Greek salad try theirs it came with grape leaves and lots of feta and the vegetables were so fresh.

  • iknownotseems



    Great place with amazing service! Had a business meeting there with food. The owners / managers were very accommodating and went above and beyond is ensuring my requests were met. The food is tasty and prices are competitive.

  • ootek



    Неплохое место

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