Парк Мерсер w Бейонн

Stany ZjednoczoneПарк Мерсер


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Бейонн, Нью-Джерси 07002, США
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6919452, Longitude: -74.1023398

komentarze 5

  • Makiea Gadsden Burgess

    Makiea Gadsden Burgess


    It was dark...not enough lights i was afraid.... Lol

  • Elliott Battle

    Elliott Battle


    Nice and big place to have family and friends Gathering

  • JoAnn Powell

    JoAnn Powell


    Never again horrible service so sad

  • en

    Ayonna Endsley


    This place is like the best I can do never think whoever like made this place just like this is a best park I've been to since I was since I was 2 like this is the best I wish that it would have a bigger water park like bigger bigger water park it would be so much fun I wish I can go to that Park every day and it not rain or like snow or get too hot well if it gets too hot you can still go but still I don't want it to get hot cuz when I get hot I start going crazy and suck that starts happening and when that happens you have to watch out because start throwing stuff and when I throw stuff it will hit you because like it's weird for me because it's I like when I throw stuff I emailed right at people and I don't even know that I'm aiming aiming it at you so like that's what makes me so such a crazy person so then one time when I was there playing in the park I got super hot and I started my feet started to burn cuz I took my shoes off and so my feet started to burn and cuz the cuz the ground was getting a really really hot and it was like really burning me so then I started going like bouncing up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down then I went into the water and it felt so good but like when I go to the back Park and makes me think about my uncle when he died because he used to take me to that Park when I was like 1 years old and I always had fun.

  • RebbucHawk04 0404 ; ; ;

    RebbucHawk04 0404 ; ; ;


    County Park. Little league baseball field. Convenient to transportation.

najbliższy Park

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