Papa John's Pizza i Los Angeles

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPapa John's Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

2222, South Hoover Street, 90007, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 213-743-5999
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.035167, Longitude: -118.2836997

kommentar 5

  • Aarushi Gupta

    Aarushi Gupta


    Excellent pizza. Love their garden fresh.

  • Car Rapide

    Car Rapide


    Good but takes time. I like their garlic knots.

  • en

    lopez 018


    I can't even explain it there just so bad at doing everything they don't no what there doing there mean disrespectful don't know how to treat a person good it's all bad never coming again I do not recommend this place

  • Angel Guzman

    Angel Guzman


    They make great pizza! Very Polite! Downside the waiting time is long! Other than that it's good!

  • en

    Chase Allen


    This location is not too stingy with the toppings. I ordered online and my pizza came out better than I expected. When I asked for heavy sauce the pizza really came with extra sauce unlike some other Papa John's locations where they give you normal amount of sauce. Additionally, this location gives you reasonable amount of toppings. The only negative is not enough cheese on my pizza but I didn't ask for extra cheese. Another plus is this location is open late to satisfy your midnight munchies.

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