Panera Bread w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczonePanera Bread



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4611, South Hulen Street, 76132, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-370-1802
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.679082, Longitude: -97.3928654

komentarze 5

  • Korey Wilkerson

    Korey Wilkerson


    Ordered one simple item. Came out incorrect. Spelled my name out for the cashier and she still spelled it wrong. It is not a big deal that she spelled it wrong, it happens all the time. It just tells me that the cashier was not paying attention or listening when I ordered. She was also training another associate. Insert eye roll emoji here.

  • Ellen Knowles

    Ellen Knowles


    Visited for lunch today. This was my first trip to Panera. I have always heard good things. The onion soup was good...I've had better. The sandwich I received was not the sandwich I ordered, but it took so long to get it, I ate it. It was like a sandwich I would make at home only I wouldn't slather mayo on the bread and put tomato on top of it because I know it makes the bread soggy. I'll stick with La Madeleine...better food and much easier to get out of the parking lot.

  • Mr. Bond

    Mr. Bond


    We stopped for a pick 2. I got the salad and sandwich. My partner got the sandwich and broccoli and cheese soup. All was incredibly delicious. The thing to be said about panera is that although it's on the high side for quick eats as far as price, it is worth every penny. The portions are bigger and the food is better. Definitely worth the few extra dollars you'll spend on the meal. The environment is nicer too, quiet and laid out spaciously to give a more home like feel.

  • en

    Andrea Moseley


    Great healthy options! Soup is so good this time of year and salad is always yummy. No one has the ready to serve tea selection that I've seen. I really like the servers we've had lately- Chance, I think and Kylie? They're great workers and keep the place clean and inviting. I also like the pay what you can chili option.

  • en

    shanyn smith


    The service was good. My daughter's chicken Caesar looked wonderful. I had the steak melt. It literally had on one half of the sandwich, 3 pieces of steak, sliced thin ( which didn't really bother me) that were the size of half dollars. I was shocked...especially for a 10.00 sandwich ( with tax, just under 10 bucks). When I asked the food runner she said it must be right, the manager made it. I felt like it was an extremely modest sandwich for the price. It didn't even cover the bottom of the bread. When I got to the other half it was much more appropriate in what I would have expected in the amount of meat. I could possibly understand had they been very busy...but there were only about 3 tables in the restaurant and no wait. Sorely disappointed.

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