Panera Bread w Champaign

Stany ZjednoczonePanera Bread



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1765, West Kirby Avenue, 61821, Champaign, Champaign County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 217-355-9885
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.097838, Longitude: -88.275366

komentarze 5

  • Julie Greenstone

    Julie Greenstone


    My husband and I had a rare breakfast date here and enjoyed every aspect. We had a variety of breakfast items from baked goods, egg dish, cold drinks, to hot mocha and nothing disappointed. The price was a little higher than a quick breakfast but the quality made it worth while. Dining in was comfortable, staff was pleasant and knowledgeable, environment was clean, and dinning room was stocked with whatever was needed for coffee/tea/breakfast. Must stop when in the area.

  • Ben Rosen

    Ben Rosen


    A pretty standard Panera. Messes up my order about half the time. Incredibly small portions. How is this a portion of avocado? Pathetic.

  • Bridget Smith

    Bridget Smith


    ordered a chicken salad sandwich for pickup and didnt open till i got home. there was no chicken. it was a tomato, lettuce, and grape sandwich for $10. frustrating to say the least.

  • Drew Tschirki

    Drew Tschirki


    I heard good things about Panera before moving out to Illinois. However I wasn’t terribly amazed by the food. Honestly I thought the different bread on the sandwiches were the best part. It wasn’t bad. Just average. Could tell that everything was fresh grown though! Did seem expensive for what you get. Will probably be back, maybe more for bakery items than anything.

  • Theodore Whitecotton

    Theodore Whitecotton


    After leaving the other Panera bread we found one that was right down the road and came here my wife and I always order the same thing the food was good it's very sanitary with the no contact ordering the restaurant was clean they have outside seating the bathroom is clean our order was right and brought to us quickly definitely like the Panera that we are used to enjoying I would recommend this one over the other one any day

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