Panera Bread i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPanera Bread



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1350, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, 20036, Washington, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 202-862-8536
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.908554, Longitude: -77.043091

kommentar 5

  • Ashraf Khan

    Ashraf Khan


    Panera has gotten so better. This location is right There Dupont circle metro P Street exit.

  • Oliver Peckham

    Oliver Peckham


    This Panera Bread is a great place in Dupont to get some quiet work done or grab a coffee and some lunch. Service is quick and friendly, there's a decent amount of space to sit down, there's WiFi, and the prices are reasonable. Good standby choice.

  • Olena Sheptunova

    Olena Sheptunova


    One of the best Panera I have been to. We came during busy morning time and the service was super friendly( thanks to our cashier Adrian Je), everything was made fast and accurate! Great start of the day!

  • en

    Glen Tate


    By far the worst experience at any Panera bread ever. They had a guy “guarding” the bathroom to make sure only customers were using it. Mind you, he didn’t check receipts except the people he wanted too. I felt like I was at a night club. Definitely will not be eating here again. The food was horrible and and the experience was worse.

  • en

    Albuta Smith


    Fresh bathroom, food is very good, and the inside of the restaurant is cute/cozy. They also have mobile ordering! Definitely making this Panera my go to.

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