Panera Bread w Boston

Stany ZjednoczonePanera Bread



🕗 godziny otwarcia

115, Stuart Street, 02116, Boston, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-722-8234
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3512235, Longitude: -71.0650699

komentarze 5

  • Zach Collins

    Zach Collins


    Fast service, polite cashier, and great food. Only drawback was that the lady at the pickup station was incredibly rude and dismissive.

  • en

    Denise Munchen


    The system to make the order is so fast! Always in a screen! I like very much the vegan cappuccino!

  • en

    joseph frunzo


    If you value your time and are in hurry for something quick do NOT come here expecting a quick meal or snack this place is very small with only a medium sized (if that ) dining area it has not that much room it only looks large outside once inside it’s pretty small. The service was ok but the price I paid for ONLY a full sized sandwich and bowl of soup was through the roof I didn’t even a order a drink! Almost 15$ and I only got 1 side and this was WTH my card! I was short on time and all of this place full of over 75 people with absolutely NO SEATS and almost a + 23 minute wait which was ridiculous and plain stupid and I ordered 2 things should have taken no more than 5-8 minutes a soup and sandwich does NOT take THAT-long even if the place is busy my soup was only mildly warm. Not worth the price or the insane zoo of people I was crammed into turns out there was a play next door shortly at the wang theatre therefore in my opinion BAD location for a Panera bread this place CANNOT handle a capacity of that many people you will wait and be stuck!! There are other better locations nearby one is 8 minutes away walking distance on boylston @ Berkeley street so if you have no time avoids his store my first and LAST at this Panera.

  • Duncan Cooper

    Duncan Cooper


    Swift and efficent service supply a decent sandwich. Usual selection from the chain, you know what you are getting.

  • en

    Donna Baxter


    Panera Bread is always clean Fresh Deserts daily. Fresh handmade sandwiches excellent soup ,I had cream of 🐔 soup turkey bacon with 🍅,s lettuce an Mayonnaise. Everything was excellent. Very pleased.

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