Panda Express w Chandler

Stany ZjednoczonePanda Express



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1020, East Pecos Road, 85225, Chandler, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-782-9097
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.2928623, Longitude: -111.8235459

komentarze 5

  • curtiss carlson

    curtiss carlson


    it had been awhile since we last visited, due to the pandemic but were glad to return to one of the quickest and best fast food restaurants. tried that new sizzling shrimp, was better than the honey walnut shrimp.

  • Roberta Arnold

    Roberta Arnold


    You will be terribly disappointed if you eat at this location. Definitely don't go after 8:00 or close to closing when the employees could care less about you or your food. Only about cleaning up and getting out of the store. The music was better than the food. The rice was not cooked all the way and the shrimp was not fresh at all. It was barely warm. Most of the food in the containers were barely anything left in each one. These employees could care less about anything. I don't even know how the manager has not taken a look at this and made this store any better. I'm convinced it will never get better. The undercover boss needs to come here and shut this place down. Yes, I was very hungry and had already pulled into this place to eat is the only reason I continued with my order.

  • A Hill

    A Hill


    Ordered on UberEATS for late Lunch/ early Dinner and the food was good. My only complaint is that I requested utensil and napkins for 5 and literally only received 1 fork and 1 napkin. It is what it is I guess. Portions were fair and temperature was just right. Will order again in the future!

  • W Hu

    W Hu


    Bad experience all around. They give very small portions. The orange chicken they put in for kids meal is small broken pieces. When I asked the server that even kids meal deserves couple whole pieces , he refused. I talked to the manager and he argues that kids meal is only 4 ounces and again refused to do anything. Kids meal doesn’t mean the kid doesn’t deserve a good meal. This is not the first time this location short change their customers. I went home and weighted the food they give, it’s only 2.6 ounces for the orange chicken. That’s 33% less on what Manager Noah stated the proper portion should be. He is incompetent to be a manager and doesn’t know what customer service is. See the pictures for yourself. Two separate purchases. Third picture is the weighted portion of the the 2nd purchase. If you want what you pay for, avoid this location.

  • Emma Velázquez

    Emma Velázquez


    Really friendly staff. Fresh egg rolls, they came right out of the fryer and it only took like 7 minutes. The reason why I’m giving 4 stars is because my chao main was burned so I didn’t love the taste. Will go back tho. Small chao main, 4 egg rolls, no drinks $12.

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