Palisades Interstate Park Commission: State Line Lookout i Alpine

Forenede StaterPalisades Interstate Park Commission: State Line Lookout



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Palisades Interstate Parkway, 07620, Alpine, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-750-0465
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.9892658, Longitude: -73.9066342

kommentar 5

  • Helen Pulitano

    Helen Pulitano


    Took the short very hard hike. Lots of rocks to climb over and around. Takes you right down to the river. Go on a cool day.

  • Michael Ellis

    Michael Ellis


    Had a fantastic day in the Palisades! Gorgeous views of the river and a rigorous scramble hike, plus the Giant Staircase. The experience was fun and challenging. Be fit and wear good hiking shoes for best and safe experience.

  • Dani Jones

    Dani Jones


    Beautiful place to stop! The view is amazing, and the cliffs are stunning. The little restaurant/rest center was kind of cute, if a bit old.

  • Maxwell Lent

    Maxwell Lent


    This park is one of my favorite ones to go hiking in. The views are absolutely amazing and the hiking is surprisingly difficult and fun if you go down to the rock scramble. I always have an amazing time and think that anyone of any when will enjoy at least parts of it. Plus the waterfall at the bottom is really worth seeing.

  • en

    Adrian Elsewhere


    I love this part of the park. Especially The State Line Cafe. Their French fries are the best. Just a great place to hang out and enjoy the views.

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