Palacio real i Phoenix

Forenede StaterPalacio real



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5103, West Thomas Road, 85031, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 623-755-1469
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.4792456, Longitude: -112.1700123

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nada Saleem


  • Yudith Gamboa

    Yudith Gamboa


    This establishment is BEAUTIFUL! I looked at other places and nothing came close. I had a stress free Sweet 16 for my daughter. The service they offer before, during and after thee event is top notch! We didn't worry about anything... I'd love to have another party at Palacio Real, just looking for a reason! The cost of my daughter's even was extremely affordable. Palacio Real allowed my daughter's driver to drive in and drop her off on the dance floor. I'm beyond impressed with this remarkable establishment and how fantastic they are.

  • Chris Callaghan

    Chris Callaghan


  • otoniel lopez

    otoniel lopez


    My friend got married here recently and seemed like the perfect place to me to homd the wedding. I think there were about 300-350 people in there. And there was still alot of room for more! And nobody felt cramped up nor uncomftorble. I liked it alot.

  • es

    David Chavez


    Palacio real reception hall es el lugar indicado para que hagas realidad el sueño de la gran fiesta que deseas. Bodas , quinceañeras, cumpleaños, eventos empresariales y más .

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