Padgett Business Services - Ossining w Ossining

Stany ZjednoczonePadgett Business Services - Ossining



🕗 godziny otwarcia

92, Hudson Point Lane, 10562, Ossining, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-362-8314
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1465882, Longitude: -73.865843

komentarze 5

  • en

    Val Polidoro


    The Boathouse Restaurant in Ossining has been using Padgett Business Services of Westchester for all of our accounting, payroll and tax work for over 6 years. Karen and Joe are great people to work with because they listen and always get the job done! No worries with Padgett.

  • Karla Merchan

    Karla Merchan


    We have been using Padgett Business Services since 2015. As a starting company they have guided us throughout arising obstacles as business owners. Very Professionals, outstanding services, knowledgeable and their 24/7 availability to answer any concerns we have when it comes to small business accounting and taxes. We are very pleased with their Services and expertise. Thanks again Joe and Karen!

  • Kim Dittrich

    Kim Dittrich


    I am a small business owner and we have been using Padgett Business Services for over a year now and I must say I couldn't be happier with them. Karen's attention to detail, professionalism and over all candor has made doing our taxes, payroll, government dealings, and Quick Book set up very easy and one less thing to worry about. I can honestly say "they have our back". Thanks Padgett!

  • en

    ASF Construction & Excavation Corp. ASF Construction & Excavation Corp.


    Joe and Karen of Padgett Westchester have taken care of all of our small business accounting needs. Whether it be bookkeeping, payroll, or tax services to projecting for business growth and specific needs, Padgett Westchester has always delivered professional and reliable services for our business.

  • HilmiJoe S

    HilmiJoe S


    I have been using Padget's CPA service for 3 years, Joeseph and Karen are very professionals. They deliver results. They work to help small businesses plan for growth, and coach and train clients on QuickBooks and recommend accounting and business best practices. I recommend them to any one or any business who who's looking prompt, professional and reliable service.

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