Pacific Spa & Airbrush w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePacific Spa & Airbrush



🕗 godziny otwarcia

14, Rockland Avenue, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-539-9856
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5766374, Longitude: -74.1273351

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kourtney Zinquist


    I recently purchased a package of 4 laser hair removal treatments for my underarms to get ready for the summer. I was tired of always having to shave there and decided to try out Pacific Spa &Airbrush. The technician Ann really made me feel comfortable and at ease with the whole process. I have already had three treatments and am extremely happy with the results. My hair has completely stopped growing. I highly recommend!

  • en

    Jeanette Alvarez


    I was a bit spectical at first but after getting my first micro treatment I must say my skin has never looked to rejuvenated. The staff greeted me, offered beverages and there was no long wait. The facility is so clean and the staff made you feel so welcomed and comfortable. Which is a plus for me. I will definitely be back :)

  • danielle kauderer

    danielle kauderer


    Ive been going to Pacific Spa for laser hair removal, Ann is the best ! It didn't hurt, pricing was great, very easy to make appointments. I am def going back for all her other services!

  • en

    Katrina D'Onofrio


    I recently tried out this spa for a Microdermabrasion. Ann gave me an amazing facial and my skin never felt better! The spa is so pretty and the environment is so warm! I'm looking forward to coming back to try out her other services!! Definitely recommend it to others who are interested in having a more personal experience with a knowledgeable professional.

  • en

    Vincent Quagliariello


    What a friendly & professional experience. I was so hesitant about laser hair removal but glad I made this decision and even more glad to choose this location. This was a five-star experience !!!

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