Outback Steakhouse w Burbank

Stany ZjednoczoneOutback Steakhouse



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1761, North Victory Place, 91502, Burbank, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 818-567-2717
strona internetowej: locations.outback.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.1907122, Longitude: -118.329595

komentarze 5

  • H Ball

    H Ball


    The Outback center cut sirloin does not taste fresh. It's like from frozen. I am a steak/meat-eater, so I am very particular when it comes to meat,as I always order rare or medium rare. I enjoyed my dessert, I think it was called the chocolate thunder. I want to mention too, the service was superb 👌.

  • Carlos Rodriguez

    Carlos Rodriguez


    When I went into the location it looked promising, got seated quickly on a Monday afternoon. The server was really nice and consistently asked if I was okay or if I wanted anything else. The menus were one family away from being separate pages but the inside of the location looked maintained. They serve you bread first and it is quite alright. A bit soft, but not bad when paired with the butter. As for appetizers, I got their signature blooming onion. The blooming onion was the best part about this whole experience. It was delicious, as all fried foods are, but that also means it will leave you feeling sick after you eat it though. The soup I got was just watered and felt too bland. The main course was the thing that really disappointed me. I got the Chicken Alfredo with Shrimp and my wife got the chicken sandwich. For around $20, I got average shrimp and the driest chicken I have ever eaten, all with heaps of black pepper. I had a taste of the chicken sandwich my wife was eating and it was pretty good, which I did not expect after eating my chicken. I can not believe they are charging this much for unsatisfactory food and the only reason I would come back here is to eat a blooming onion.

  • Yasmeen Mughal

    Yasmeen Mughal


    Had an awesome lunch with exceptional service, incredible food at a great price point and fantastic company all around! Highly recommended for your next celebration where you’ll be sure to make some new friends (or two!) The blooming shrimp was a great compliment to the classic blooming onion, and the surf & turf is a deal that can’t be beat. Wash it down with a cocktail or a mocktail, but if you’re a beer person the blooming ale really makes you feel like you’re down in the outback. What an adventure!

  • Chef Robert Olivares

    Chef Robert Olivares


    The Super Bowl was something I was never interested in, however a lot of people are. So that night I was sent home early. My wife and I decided to capitalize on this and headed to Outback to celebrate Valentine's a day early. Our plan was to avoid the large crowds and it WORKED! Outback was as slow as we were but that suited us just fine. Dianne D was our server and she was very friendly and welcoming. We started off with the fried mushrooms. Fresh out of the fryer they were great. That with their amazing bread and softened butter were the perfect way to start our meal. For our entrees my wife went with the Alice Springs Chicken. She liked it but for me there were too many competing flavors. I went with a rare 15 ounce Ribeye with asparagus & steakhouse Mac and cheese. It came cooked perfectly and I was happy. I wish the asparagus was steamed a little less but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Thank you Dianne D for the hospitality.

  • Rehool Ahmed

    Rehool Ahmed


    Although they messed up my reservation but they made it up by offering a patio table, it was a little bit cold outside but it's ok. Service was quick and I believe Robert was waiting our table. I was very happy with his service. He was polite, friendly and helpful. He was regularly checking our outdoor area. Our food was delicious. We ordered steaks, grilled shrimp, grilled salmon, fried onions, French onion soup, green salad, chicken tortilla soup. Our overall experience was very good. Despite the valentine day dinner rush, we were very well taken care of. I liked the patio dining area, it will be great in summer.

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