Ost Steven J DDS w Glen Head

Stany ZjednoczoneOst Steven J DDS


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

40, Railroad Avenue, 11545, Glen Head, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-671-5641
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8326939, Longitude: -73.62544

komentarze 4

  • en

    Nathan Morrissey


  • Laura Costanios

    Laura Costanios


    I have been going to Dr. Ost for a while. The staff is wonderful and very friendly. I recently had work done and they were very fair with pricing and worked with me and my insurance - very good work and they make sure you are satisfied. I highly recommend this office!

  • en

    Jamie Florio


    Good dentist. I had my teeth bonded at another dentist and it always wore off after a few months. When Dr. Ost did it it has lasted 2 years so far. My insurance didn't cover a deep cleaning gum procedure but they put in a request and got it covered, and instead of doing it in 2 treatments he got it done in 1 and saved me money. The dental hygienist lectured me on my bad gum care and told me what to do...she was aggressive but it was definitely what i needed to hear and I really worked on what she told me to do, when I recently went back she said I had all but gotten rid of my gum disease and she was so proud, actually genuinely happy for me. So the tough love was needed and got me to do what I needed to do. I am very thankful for them. Not the most high tech dentist or the cleanest place but they care about your teeth and ty to help you save money when they can.

  • Melissa Echeverry

    Melissa Echeverry


    Just don't go there. He only looks on how to get money from you. Always that I went there he said that my insurance don't cover what I need so I have to pay, so I pay the firs times but he start with one amount then with the next appointments he start to add more and more money instead of saying at first what was the total amount the firs time, and with all the money that I pay my tooth still hurts and the only thing he said about it is that the tooth looks good. and for another procedure he said that I need just a replace for a filling that my insurance will pay and I think he dig to much on the tooth that at the end he wants me to charge for a crown.

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