Opus w Decatur

Stany ZjednoczoneOpus



🕗 godziny otwarcia

308, West Ponce de Leon Avenue, 30030, Decatur, DeKalb County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 404-370-0507
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.775314, Longitude: -84.300224

komentarze 5

  • en

    p meloy



  • rockeyvalley



    Lots of method books and sheet music to choose from.

  • en

    Ernest Choi


    I try to avoid writing negative reviews of businesses because I understand that reviews can affect people's livelihoods and I take that seriously. In this instance I feel compelled to report my experience with Opus Music due to the owner's gross irresponsibility. My son dropped off 18 high quality classical music scores with David to be reviewed for purchase on June 21. They were delivered in immaculate condition in a corrugated cardboard box which also had a rolled up paper shopping bag in the end to keep the books in place. I spoke with David on the phone on the day that they were dropped off and he expressed unquestionable interest in buying the books but said that they would need to be evaluated for price. I suggested that he just hold onto them and evaluate them at his convenience. I heard nothing back from him for a couple weeks so I called to see if he had a chance to look at them and left a message. After a few more days I called again and left another message asking him to check back with me and let me know what he was thinking. Over the next few weeks I continued to leave voicemails and emails pleading just to let me know what was going on. Today (August 6th) I went by the store to pick up my items after hearing absolutely nothing from David. I was greeted by a woman there and I explained that I was unhappy about David's unwillingness to communicate with me when he is holding my property. She spoke to me about some family difficulties that they have had and apologetically suggested that she give the books back to me, to which I consented. She brought them out from the back and all of the books were sitting in the box at an angle on top of the rolled up paper bag like they had just been tossed into the box. Several of them were bent and two were creased through the whole book. I said "this is unbelievable" and showed her how he damaged the books. She apologized again and said to my dismay for a second time that David was "just trying to help me out". Exactly how holding and damaging my property and refusing to correspond with me over a span of several weeks is "helping me out" is a mystery to me. I approached him with a simple and appropriate business transaction assuming that his interest was an opportunity to profit from the sale of some very high quality materials. I did not ask for "help" and I certainly did not ask to have my time and resources wasted because David is incapable of handling his own business. I would have been completely fine with a one-line email that said "having family difficulties right now so will not be able to evaluate your materials for..." No problem, things happen... I pick up my materials and wish him the best. I wonder how long he would have held my stuff and continued to dodge me if I had not walked in? Truly pathetic!

  • Sasha Amethyst

    Sasha Amethyst


    They are amazing! I have been getting my Piano Music from them for years! I have even gotten The Princess and the Frog Piano Sheet Music Book!

  • Connie Dotson

    Connie Dotson


    Our daughter loved her clarinet music lessons here. Wonderful people!

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