Opulent Items w Vernon

Stany ZjednoczoneOpulent Items



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3718, East 26th Street, 90058, Vernon, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 800-696-1279
strona internetowej: www.opulentitems.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.008372, Longitude: -118.1981

komentarze 5

  • en

    Emem Akpan


    We received our Connie sectional and are impressed by the quality/craftsmanship of the furniture. Unfortunately we did experience a delay in its arrival through the freight company. We contacted Henry and his response was prompt in terms of advocating on our behalf. 5 stars are deserving due to the quality of the product and the customer service provided.

  • Brandi Nash

    Brandi Nash


    I have nothing but great things to say about my experience ordering through Opulent Items! The customer service & communication were both excellent, the quality is fantastic. I worked with Henry and I was very happy with him. He was professional, honest, helpful, and timely in response. After ordering we found out that normally they do not deliver to our area (North Dakota) but Henry worked to find another shipper and still got us our beautiful sectional! The delivery went well, the freight delivery man even commented that he couldn't believe how well it was packaged & cared for it was throughout delivery. He was shocked and very impressed when I told him how far it had come! We unpacked it and it was BEAUTIFUL, not a single scratch, mark, or anything. Very easy to set up. It has exceded my expectations for both looks & quality! It's comfortable but still quite firm. I was told it will have a little more give with time. Huge thank you to Henry for his quick responsiveness and great service. I would definitely recommend ordering from Opulent Items!

  • Minal Phanse

    Minal Phanse


    Very elegant and contemporary looking sofa. All my guest loved it. Color is exactly the same which was shown in the pictures.

  • en

    Waylon Anderson


    Great customer service and excellent quality of work! They arrived on time and were packaged and wrapped with quality care. It was a chore just unwrapping the package!

  • Kimberly Stappaerts

    Kimberly Stappaerts


    We searched for months to try to find the correct modern sectional couch and was lucky enough to finally find Opulent Items! The no-pressure sales consultants were professional and very informative. I ordered swatches of 3 different colors of leather and they were shipped to me the same day. When the couch arrived, I was beyond happy as I had broken my leg two weeks before. I'm writing this review with my leg in a medical boot, as I'm lounging on this beautiful beast of a sectional, and I had to share my happiness of the quality and service of this company. Don't hesitate - go order yours!

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