Onotria Wine Country Cuisine i Costa Mesa

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Forenede StaterOnotria Wine Country Cuisine



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2915, Red Hill Avenue, 92626, Costa Mesa, Orange County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 949-735-6761
internet side: onotria-wine-country-cuisine.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.6694945, Longitude: -117.8799634

kommentar 5

  • jan schmidt

    jan schmidt


    Onotria is an authentic Enoteca. The food is delicious and is served with great Italian wine. Can’t wait to go again!

  • Geoff Kaltenbach

    Geoff Kaltenbach


    As always, a truly amazing experience. Some of the best food and wine you will ever have in an intimate environment.

  • Tony Schmidt

    Tony Schmidt


    Had the great pleasure on January 28th to eat in their private dining room with our friends. This was a true, fulfilling and inspiring experience all around. The chef/owner was a class act who brought captivating anecdotes from all his worldly experiences. His wonderful daughter led the serving details like a true pro. Yes, the food was amazing from the presentation to the taste. My wife and I know a lot of restaurants and there is nothing like this one. We will be back(and we came all the way from Arizona for that night)!

  • Sean McCarty

    Sean McCarty


    This place is great. It is set in an intimate open floor plan that is right next to an open kitchen. The owner does amazing food and wine pairings as well as provide commentary about the origin of the wines, history of the region, and a great italian accent and sense of humor. I highly recommend this place for private events as well. Massimo will work with you to put together the menu and wine pairings to create the perfect experience for your event.

  • Amanda Culhane

    Amanda Culhane


    Just amazing, Small dark 1,000 different wines the cook is the owner and wine guy and was born in Italy, came out and talked to us about all 4 courses and explained the wine that was selected for hs and had this amazing accent I couldn't understand him half the time so it was sexy and the food WAS AMAZING. Worth the drive and cost...

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