Once Upon A Child en Baldwin Place

Estados UnidosOnce Upon A Child



🕗 horarios

80, U.S. 6, 10505, Baldwin Place, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-621-0003
sitio web: onceuponachildsomers.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.3446411, Longitude: -73.7569512

comentarios 5

  • en

    Judith Saquipay


    I find more quality items for my son here instead of any store

  • en

    Candice N


    I called in December to see if I could donate a stroller and was told I could come in Monday through Saturday 9 to 5 so I came on a Tuesday the following week and they told me they don't buy anything this week. Tired and a bit frustrated since I am 5 months pregnant I wait and call again and was told they would take a look at the stroller. I drive there within 15 minutes of the call bring in the stroller still folded and was told they won't buy anything till march. I said I had just called 15 minutes ago and the manager was very short and said they would look at it I didn't even get to unfold it! I wished they had just been honest and said they weren't buying so I wouldn't have wasted my gas time and energy twice. The lady was also pretty cold and nasty. I am a teacher at a local daycare center and will make sure to mention my experience to anyone considering going there.

  • en

    Kath Dwy


    Wish I could give no stars! Bought an electric scooter there that didn't work and they refused to give me my money back! Brought it back with the tags still on in the exact condition I received it. Unbelievable. Thanks once upon a child somers for screwing a mom that works really hard to make ends meet and ruining a little boys dream!

  • dawn ianiri

    dawn ianiri


    The store was so nice and clean! Well organized :)

  • Rachelle S

    Rachelle S


    I've bought a few items here, their selection isn't very diverse, I've come into the store looking to buy a lot of items for my kids only to come out with only one or two things. I tried selling some clothes, and was told that everything was in good condition but that they "had a lot of NB to 6month clothes already" and that they "know their customer" and didn't think it would sell quickly. I thought that was a strange reason because if you know what your customers are looking for then your stock should be flying off the racks. I was also told that I should bring my items in a box (like that's really important)

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