On Track Freight Systems Inc w Deer Park

Stany ZjednoczoneOn Track Freight Systems Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

50, East Jefryn Boulevard, 11729, Deer Park, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-243-1010
strona internetowej: www.otfs.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.755811, Longitude: -73.299857

komentarze 5

  • en

    john masters


    a pleasure to do business with, will recommend them

  • Guillermo Montjoy CPA

    Guillermo Montjoy CPA


    Good group to work with

  • Edwin Mejia

    Edwin Mejia


    Asolutely nothing but AM

  • en

    David Sutton


    This is the worst company I have ever dealt with when it comes to freight. Basically.... a company I deal with sent me goods. They called up and made a delivery appointment, but failed to mention this is was curb side delivery so, I didn't have the man power to help with this delivery. We always do inside delivery. Never curb side. If this had of been known we could of brought other people to help. They failed to mention that and later said we’re not here to baby sit your delivery. Several people I spoke to there were extremely rude. So rude that they even hung up on my face and said we're not dealing with this. I had mentioned that we wanted to refuse the delivery and they refused to refuse it. They said we're dropping all 5 pallets right here and that's it. No other options were given and the driver wouldn't wait till we either found more people or wait till we finished unloading the delivery Never in my life have I ever seen a company shove merchandise with out signing for the delivery. We told them we will not sign for this any any merchandise that was stolen will not be paid by me and will be the responsibility for them to pay. With out proof of delivery. You don’t have anything. My choice was if we wanted to refuse the delivery. We can, but they'll be back later to pick it up. Rude, unprofessional and absolutely by far the worst company I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. Thank you ruining my day. I hope this post ruins yours. This delivery dropped off today. Oct 12th @ 10am. The company is very lucky we are an honest company. Since we never signed for this delivery. You don't have any record or proof that we received it and there are some people that may take advantage of that. You're lucky we are not a company that does that. Keep playing with fire. Eventually you'll get burned. Keep up these shady practices and one day it may catch up to you. I pray that it doesn't. Either way. Your company needs to learn how to properly do business. I've never seen a freight company this bad and I'm in the retail business over 20+ years.

  • en

    Winnie Chan


    Horrible customer service, misses a delivery window and is not even sorry about it. Very unorganized. I would not trust them with anything.

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