On Deck Deli w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneOn Deck Deli



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1303, East University Boulevard, 85719, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-621-7041
strona internetowej: www.union.arizona.edu
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2324879, Longitude: -110.9515717

komentarze 5

  • Jeffrey Greene

    Jeffrey Greene


    Literally the only place you should be eating at.

  • ewitwins



    Lets start with the obvious: they charge way too much for their food, considering the sub-par quality of both their bread and their toppings. At $10.08/lb (hell, i could be buying Hogshead sandwiches for that much), their bread is the weakest part of the sandwich. I chewed through what can only be described as a white rubbery mess, and I was about a half minute away from just binning the whole mess. Most, if not all of their sandwich breads, are just BAD. They arent fresh, and my money is on them having sat in some sad side room for a week beforehand. Their selection of toppings is acceptable, but again, not even worth the price. The long and short of it: avoid at all costs if you value your money. I'm sure there's a sandwich shop anywhere that would be a better idea (even, God forbid, Subway)

  • Kyle Preston

    Kyle Preston


    Several breads (white, wheat, pretzel, sub, multi-grain...) as well as a variety of toppings and delicious meats make this on-campus restaurant a stand out competitor. There simply isn't a better place to eat at the UofA.

  • Tyler Webb

    Tyler Webb


    If you are eating in the Student Union, this is the place to go. It is an assembly line process and has a vast variety of choices. This is a very good place to try and you will probably get hooked.

  • en

    Paul Leong


    This made-to-order deli has great variety and helpful service for a fair price: the sandwiches are sold by weight. Particularly, I really like the pretzel buns and the pesto sauce. The sauces to choose from are intriguing, such as the avocado mayo. There are also more types of meat and vegetables to choose from than Subway, and they are of higher quality.

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