Olive Garden Italian Restaurant i Las Vegas

Forenede StaterOlive Garden Italian Restaurant



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1545, East Flamingo Road, 89119, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 702-735-0082
internet side: www.olivegarden.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.1140582, Longitude: -115.1322654

kommentar 5

  • Reesie Cup

    Reesie Cup


    It was the best experience I've ever had at an Olive Garden! The place had a lot of people there however we on only had a 3min wait to be seated. Our waitress was so on point got or drink orders and appetizers in immediately. When she came back to the table with the drinks it seemed like I only blinked my eyes and our soup salad & apps were in front of us like magic! Then came the entrees shortly following was the dessert. It was like clock work, how it should be, but never is... And everything tasted amazing. You definitely have to stop by if your in town.

  • Christine Rosas-Guyon

    Christine Rosas-Guyon


    Can’t go wrong with all you can eat soup, salad, & breadsticks! Amazing service, amazing drinks, and a good place for a quick bite. Had an issue with online advertising but the manager was quick to resolve the problem. He made sure we left happy and we did. Thank you sir for making the trip worth it!

  • Antti Plathan

    Antti Plathan


    I simply love Olive garden. What can I say? If you haven't been there, go! If you know the place, then this location is definitely as good as any. I can't get enough of their starter salad, and the pastas are sooo yummy.

  • Terry Sender

    Terry Sender


    The Olive Garden is absolutely NOT a new place for me to have eaten at, but the last time I was there, I was still living in Orlando! This location in particular exceeded expectations. I went with my housemate and his family, and we just had a round of Unlimited Soup, Salad, and Bread stick's, but the order came promptly, and we all left happy and full. Best one could ask for from a chain restaurant!

  • joe murrin

    joe murrin


    Cheap eats. Not best location, but easy to get too. Daily specials. Food is good. Quick service. Family oriented. Great for a quick lunch. Good for groups. Pasta , salads , soups and more . All you can eat options. All u can drink options👍🏻 Inexpensive for a budget.

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