Old Greenwich Karate w Greenwich

Stany ZjednoczoneOld Greenwich Karate



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Sound Beach Avenue, 06870, Greenwich, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-637-2685
strona internetowej: www.ogkarate.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.031326, Longitude: -73.567843

komentarze 5

  • melissa bildner

    melissa bildner


    Sensei Rick "gets it"! The kids love him - my son is almost a black belt - because he constantly makes Karate fun for them. WE LOVE OGK!

  • Karen Kahn

    Karen Kahn


    My kids have been taking classes with Sensei Rock for years. He's wonderful! His style of Isshinryu Karate designed for self-defense (as opposed to competition) is perfect for my kids who are not competitive but want to learn karate and self-defense.

  • en

    Keren Schindelman


    I can't praise Sensei Rick and Jacqui Zimmerman of Old Greenwich Karate/Action Arts highly enough. They've been like family since my 10 year old son started karate lessons there in kindergarten. Sensei is warm, sweet, patient, funny, WONDERFUL with kids, and an all around amazing person. Jacqui is so loving, talented and caring, and my son loves her art classes when he does vacation/summer camp as much as he does Sensei's karate classes. If you want a karate studio that's equally concerned with the whole child's well being as it is serious about proper technique, Action Arts/Old Greenwich Karate is the place for you!

  • en

    Augusto Pinto


    Sensei Rick is awesome. He is tremendous with kids - he got my son into karate - and adults alike. Highly recommend OG Karate

  • en

    Ed Rayner


    Very knowledgeable Sensei who is tremendous with kids. Teaches a style (isshinryu karate) that is designed for self-defense (as opposed to competition). Very few Karate dojos/schools really use a style intended for self-defense. A competition style teaches and uses strikes that are designed not to cause injury in the attacker; a self-defense style teaches those strikes, but also strikes that can potentially cause injury to the attacker. In many defense situations, you may need to disable an attacker as quickly as possible, even at the risk of causing injury to the attacker (E.g., multiple attackers, attackers with weapons, attacker on drugs, etc.). If your primary purpose in studying martial arts is for self-defense, you can't do any better than Old Greenwich Karate.

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