Oh! Mexico w Miami Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneOh! Mexico



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1440, Washington Avenue, 33139, Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 305-532-0490
strona internetowej: www.ohmexicorestaurant.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7868415, Longitude: -80.1319465

komentarze 5

  • Ashly Mullins

    Ashly Mullins


    Food was very tasty! I ordered nachos and a strawberry daiquiri and the hubby ordered a Heineken and steak fajitas. Our bill came to $89.00. The seating outside was great!

  • Antonio Venancio

    Antonio Venancio


    The guacamole is just amazing, the best I have ever had. The margaritas are great, I've ordered the skinny ones. Really worth it.

  • en

    Nilda Meadows


    This was had to be one of the worst meals I've ever had! The quality of this food was not worth the price. I had vegetable tacos. The tacos and rice were bland. The refried beans were overly salted. The service was terrible because the server knew she was already getting the included 18% She didn't even try to be attentive. It took her forever to refill our water and we had to find her to pay the bill. Every vegetable looked like it came out of a can or was manufactured from plastic! The tortillas were rubbery and stale. Disgusting! I couldn't even complain because our waitress was never in sight and from my simple plate im sure everything else there is probably just as bad! This place is a disgrace to Mexico and I hope it closes soon!

  • Michael Caposole

    Michael Caposole


    Overall the food was mediocre and the prices weren't inexpensive for a run of the mill Mexican joint. I'd recommend trying something different since there are 15 other restaurants within feet of this place. We were seated fairly quickly but the wait for water alone was 15-20 minutes. Also, they add gratuity to the bill but it's listed as a "service charge" so be aware of that. They also charge a resort fee for some reason. Probably won't go back.

  • Jon Kuta

    Jon Kuta


    We came here expecting a "cheap" meal, based on what everybody was saying online. The prices ended up being in the $$$ category minimum so we ended up only getting drinks. All the food on the menu appeared to be homemade, but we were looking for more of a reasonably priced meal at the time. There were complementary chips & salsa, but it wasn't anything to rave about as I've had better salsa out of a jar. As some of the other customers are saying in reviews, there's an automatic 18% gratuity charge added to the tab. This was fine for us since the service was great, but it doesn't sound like everyone else shared the same experience.

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