OfficeMax w Henderson

Stany ZjednoczoneOfficeMax



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549, North Stephanie Street, 89014, Henderson, Clark County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 702-451-7774
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.0594579, Longitude: -115.0482731

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rebecca Grudzien


    My documents weren't bound because their machine wasn't working and they didn't bother to call and tell me they didn't have a spiral binder big enough so could they just put it in a binder. Don't know what would have happened had I not gone in to ask.

  • Corey Prowell

    Corey Prowell


    Not too much to say about it. I had made an online order, which I must say had pretty decent pricingon their site. The order was ready in less than an hour. I went to the store for the pickup, and I was in and out in about 4 minutes. I would highly suggest that you shop online as opposed to going in store. The products online are very different from in store, which is why I took away a star. They should really put there product prices in sync.

  • en

    Glenn Strussenberg


    Very knowledgeable people

  • en

    Gidget Graham


    I very rarely give such a bad rating but the Customer Service by Office Depot at this location was absolutely terrible and the store manager Nash as not only unhelpful but just simple does care about his customers. We direct a lot a business to their location and were provided no assistance. After trying to work with their online flyer order system, for two days, I was told to keep trying back after 30 min. Then after my 4th call to the 1-800 number and numerous online chats, I was told they did not know when it was going to be up and running. That I just needed to place the order by calling the store. I explained that I was specifically ordering online so I could pay with my credit card so my assistant could pick the flyers up as I not able to go to the store myself. He provided no solution stated the only option they had was for me to personally come to the store or have my assistant pay for them, which was not an option. So I am having to leave my Mothers Day brunch to go pay for the flyers because Office Depot has not solutions when their online system is not working. I hope this post is relayed to someone at Office Depot who care more about their customers than the store manager Nash.

  • Chere' Pedersen

    Chere' Pedersen


    Maria in the Print Center is amazing. She is so patient and can help so many customers at once! Great employee and has helped my business grow by helping me get what I needed done in time!

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