OfficeMax i Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterOfficeMax



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1727, South Stapley Drive, 85204, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-633-6500
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.381991, Longitude: -111.802792

kommentar 5

  • Deadpool



    I hate how the employees and Sebastian were very rude to me over looking for a product I thought they were there to help customers I will never spend a dime at this place in hope that it can be turned into a kinkos

  • Scott Bleadon

    Scott Bleadon


    Never going back. 8:50PM I call and ask "can you shrink a photo?" Guy says yes, as long as I'm there in 10 minutes. 5 minutes later the door is locked. Again I call, now it's miss Jessica who is telling me it's 9:00 and makes me wait. She gives me the manager. After arguing the point of "hey you closed early" for 3 minutes, I tell him "look man, it's 2017, all the clocks are synced now. Look at your phone, it's 9:01. I've been on the phone for 4 minutes. You can admit you closed early." Nope. It's no wonder Amazon will drive them out of business. Now I have to take my business to a competitor in the morning.

  • en

    Ray Kary


    Great service today. Everyone professional and personable.

  • Chad Nichols

    Chad Nichols


    Great service at the cash register. Clean.

  • Jack Fisher

    Jack Fisher


    Quick, convenient, and very professional. Had what I needed no problems.

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