Office Depot i Denver

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterOffice Depot



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616, East Colfax Avenue, 80203, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 303-831-0999
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.739786, Longitude: -104.9795784

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pauline Nguyen


    I sell clothes online & I’m always at this location printing shipping labels. The staff now always greets me, ask how my store is going and before I even walk through the door, they have my labels printed and ready for me. The staff is incredible and I can’t stress that enough.

  • en



    Walked in to buy a printer, some paper, office supplies and a small laptop computer. Two clerks were standing around chatting and laughing and when I walked by they turned away and walked off as if I wasn't there. There were three employees visible and not one of them greeted me or asked if I needed help. I am now heading to Staples.

  • en

    tyra gonzales


    Location very close to where I live and employees are pretty friendly and almost always eager to help.

  • en

    Max Milder


    So impressed with the exceptional customer service provided today by Ryan and the Colfax Office Depot. He is incredibly knowledgable about all of the products and printing services they provide and, after 2 previously failed printing attempts elsewhere in town, he took care of us patiently and quickly. I hope he is valued!

  • Aaron Myers

    Aaron Myers


    Fast friendly service. Copy Center Associates very helpful printing my boarding passes.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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