Office Depot w Harvey

Stany ZjednoczoneOffice Depot



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1500, Westbank Expressway, 70058, Harvey, Jefferson Parish, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 504-368-9731
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.9035168, Longitude: -90.0634289

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brain Williams


    Needs to be more customer time focus to be quick and efficient. Supervisor and associate dealing with one customer for 20mins meanwhile a line of customers form, some leave.

  • en

    Lula Whitfield


    A very good place to shop for office supplies

  • Albert Stewart

    Albert Stewart


    My experience at office depot was horrible...I stood in line while others where hanging out with others in the store. Finally one person realize how long I have been waiting an assist me never again...I will go somewhere else...customer service...

  • en

    L B


    I looked up FedEx and found Home Depot at Manhattan and WB Expressway listed as a shipping store for FedEx. This was my first time to mail from here. It took a couple of attempts to enter the shipping info on three boxes all going to the same address due a minor lack of instructions in FedEx's computer program. The obviously overworked clerk worked quickly and was patient and friendly; however, she could have helped more if she was not waiting on three or four people at the same time all by herself. When I found the price to be high (USPS even higher), she mentioned that the FedEx's store further down Manhattan might have been able to reduce the price by placing the three boxes in a larger box. I did not want to travel several miles down congested Manhattan so I completed my order. When I checked out, there was another delay because two clerks did not know how to ring up three boxes and had to call a supervisor. Bottom line: Really nice, hard working employees, but management needs to tweak a couple of things. One significant thing is the lack of a large box to put my smaller boxes in. Two of my boxes measured 17x8x9 inches and one was 14x7x8.

  • Deborah Lowe

    Deborah Lowe


    I went through different areas of the store, and in each area I encountered a different "expert" in the area. Each encounter was very pleasant and nonintrusive. The computer guys really know their stuff, and checkout was a breeze.

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