Off The Grill Mediterranean Restaurant w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneOff The Grill Mediterranean Restaurant



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1348, Clifton Avenue, 07012, Clifton, Passaic County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 973-777-3780
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8538254, Longitude: -74.1729151

komentarze 5

  • Zach Davis

    Zach Davis


    Incredible! Food was great service was great the two gentlemen served me with a smile and and were proud to serve me the food and now I know why because it’s delicious I’ve had a lot of halal platters and this one definitely is the best don’t know how this place wasn’t crowded maybe I came at a weird time but this place is a must try and the prices are perfect! Will definitely come back!

  • Abir H Ruhel

    Abir H Ruhel


    Absolutely disgusting!! Please avoid at any cost. We ordered a mixed platter and wings with fries. Meat tasted like it was cooked a week ago. Cold in the middle with no flavor. Wings were decent since they were freshly made. Seating area and the restaurant is filthy. They falsely advertise lower menu prices online but charge you more in store.

  • Elizabeth Hartman

    Elizabeth Hartman


    When I walked in to a gray room with a flickering light I thought Mount they had permanently closed. There were no visible employees- a man was in the back talking on the phone. When he came out I ordered a chicken platter, which is literally 2 slices of tomato, 3 pieces of store-bought pita, a bunch of iceberg lettuce, shredded chicken, yellow rice, and their signature white sauce. So let’s get into it- the chicken is plain, no flavor. The white sauce is basically just mayonnaise, and the yellow rice is not basmati. They were out of falafel, and they also charge a 3.9% fee if you pay with a card. I’m not sure why this restaurant has good reviews based on my experience - maybe they have better days? Nothing about this was worth my time or money, but most importantly the food didn’t even attempt to resemble anything Mediterranean. I hate leaving bad reviews because I want to be positive and support local businesses, but I would not recommend this restaurant.

  • Rob Golebieski

    Rob Golebieski


    Great spot especially for lunch! Really tasty food and a nice sized portion. The staff is always super friendly and helpful too! Highly recommend!

  • Des KF

    Des KF


    I have been wanting to try this spot and finally got the chance. When I arrived I parked in the plaza parking lot. I walked in and waited at the counter. A nice man came out and asked for my order. I ordered the falafel platter and drinks. I paid and told him I would be back in 30 minutes. When I came back everything was ready and he gave me extra white sauce like I asked. When I got home I dug in and boy was it good. The white sauce was so good with the rice and salad and the falafel wasn't dry. I enjoyed my experience and will return.

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